
吃喝玩樂 2020-06-23

【酒鬼的福音!北溫市終於可以小酌一杯】 市長Linda Buchanan宣佈放寬社交距離條例,並允許大家在北溫哥華特定公園飲酒社交。 Buchanan在聲明說道, “我們希望製造更多戶外地方讓大家安全地進行社交活動。這樣子可以確保市民保持心境開朗,同時支持本地餐廳及酒廠。” 從6月22日到10月15日11am – 9pm以下地方將會開放讓大家飲酒及社交: Waterfront Park (north and south of the train tracks, excluding the playground. Victoria Park (west. Mahon Park (behind Fen Burdett bleachers. Civic Plaza. Grand Boulevard (13th Street to 19th Street. Ray Perrault Park (northeast corner. Kings Mill Walk Park (Harbourside Place to Fell Avenue. Shipbuilders Square at The Shipyards. Cates Deck at The Shipyards.